Silvester led a rather comfortable but, to him, unfulfilling life for a while; finding himself good with numbers, he became an accountant and made enough to live rather well indeed. But he could never quite be satisfied with just that. Seeking thrills and danger without true risk to his person, the young man began haunting the more dangerous taverns and working the books for some of them, as well as starting up a habit of picking up the victors of whatever bad fights he'd had the pleasure of watching.
Meeting Thomas on the streets one night, Silvester walked right into the appealing sight of the man literally shocking and knocking out half of a notorious gang who'd been attempting to jump the couple Tom was working as a bodyguard for. Enamoured by the power and temper on show, Silvester found Thomas to be very receptive to Silv's charm, and thus began a three year relationship... for which Silvester stayed loyal for the first two years. Enjoying his lover most when he was angry, Silvester would deliberately provoke Thomas at every opportunity to enjoy later when they were alone.
But while Thomas was angry and dangerous, he was also hiding a gentler side full of romance that became more prominent over the course of their relationship. Enjoying what he had and could draw out of Tom but finding he wanted just a bit more of that danger back in his life, Silvester began to seek satisfaction elsewhere on a frequent basis while still planning to marry his partner.
The relationship collapsed after Tom's best and extremely loyal friend Myrri worked Silvester out and proved his disloyalty. But Silvester always expected his pretty storm would come back to him, and while waiting, changed exactly nothing about his behaviour. If things had always worked out for him, why wouldn't it with that? As far as he was concerned, things would always go his way.