FULL NAME: Amicia, Reaver of Talos CLASS: Tempest Cleric RACE: Human
BACKGROUND: Ruined HEIGHT: 5'10" AGE: Unknown (possible mid 40s)

Reaver and Cleric of the church of Talos, Reaver being the highest 'rank' one can attain without Talos personally confirming it within his circle of worshippers. Being responsible for numerous smaller scale acts of destruction including the wiping out of numerous villages across the Sword Coast, Amicia was drawn in to Baldur's Gate after the events of BG3. Aside from the pleasing thought of taking the new growth of a near-ruined city and destroying it just as people were beginning to feel settled, knowledge of one of the heroes of the city, a storm sorcerer with a fierce temper, inspired in her the makings of a plot that might invite the direct gaze of Talos himself upon her head.

Perhaps it might even earn her the greater position only he could personally bestow.

Why she would want that is unclear; actual details about her time before the Church of Talos are murky. Personal history is not something she ever cares to discuss or get into, apparently focused solely on her present day.


-> Backstory; short history of the character before the events of BG3.
-> Personality; exactly what it says on the tin, expanding on the basics above.
-> Relationships; details on original creations from his background plus any canon bonds.
-> Appearance & Images; written description alongside screenshots, art and any commissions.
-> Magic & Mechanics; details on magical abilities (if any) and mechanical 5e stuff, for fun. ♥


  • None yet!


  • X.

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