FULL NAME: Diveth Kilrret CLASS: Paladin, Oath of Redemption RACE: Drow
BACKGROUND: Soldier HEIGHT: 5'1" AGE: 170

A drow sworn to the Path of Redemption for two core reasons. Firstly, as penance for himself, after a once-fall into the sway of a Cult of Bhaal and its charismatic, convincing leader, a period of his life which continually haunts and directs him. Two: out of a genuine desire to help others who fell into the same conflict as he once did, hoping he might be the understanding hand they need.

It may take hundreds of years, and it quite possibly may never be enough, but, no matter the pains, no matter the flickers of despair that threaten his heart on occasion, Diveth will walk ever forward under the moonlight to fulfill his mission.


-> Backstory; detailed history of the character before the events of BG3.
-> Personality; exactly what it says on the tin, expanding on the basics above.
-> Relationships; details on original creations from his backstory, plus canon bonds.
-> Appearance & Images; written description alongside screenshots, art and any commissions.
-> Magic & Mechanics; details on magical abilities (if any) and mechanical 5e stuff, for fun. ♥


  • None yet!


  • Initially moved to swear his oath under Sehanine Moonbow after she called to him within a strange and cryptic dream, Diveth is sure he's made the right choice in setting on the path she illuminated, but is often confused and often unsure of why her, and why him. Whether he will ever truly know is hard to say.

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