NAME: Myrri Defttongue CLASS: Mastermind Rogue RACE: Dwarf
BACKGROUND: Entertainer HEIGHT: 4'4" AGE: 31

A clever, serious dwarven woman with a vengeful streak to her, Myrri is a devoted friend to the members of her ex-gang and to a small handful of others she's grown close to since. Most everyone else is of little consequence unless it's related to business, in which case, she's more than ready to prove her capabilities. Baldur's Gate is never lacking in need for good spies or info brokers, after all, and she's really damn good at what she does; you can bet she always has the evidence on hand to showcase that, as well as the ability to try cover for and protect her loved ones should things go bad for them.

This has had the consequence of leaving her with many rivals, and while Myrri will strike back at those who wrong her she will do it doubly so on behalf of her friends. Nor will she ever let it go.


-> Backstory; detailed history of the character before the events of BG3.
-> Personality; exactly what it says on the tin, expanding on the basics above.
-> Relationships; details on original creations from her background, plus canon bonds.
-> Appearance & Images; written description alongside screenshots, art and any commissions.
-> Magic & Mechanics; details on magical abilities (if any) and mechanical 5e stuff, for fun. ♥


  • None yet!


  • She has a natural aptitude for learning languages and spends a lot of time studying and immersing herself in them, in order to give her an edge in her work.

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