FULL NAME: Thomas Killethym CLASS: Storm Sorcerer/Arcane Trickster Rogue RACE: Human

A passionate human man born with storm sorcery in his blood, Thomas has a righteous temper but big heart and truly compassionate nature beneath his armour. As a young boy he escaped to the streets to avoid his father's spiteful feelings towards him and his sorcerous nature; Thomas then became part of a child gang and lived a rough life as a rogue and thief. His magical 'tricks' and special tweaks to the Mage Hand spell helped keep their little group fed, and so he survived long enough that, aged 15 and just embarking on a dangerous habit of starting fights in taverns, he could be finally found and taken off those streets by his sister.

Years have passed since then but the young man is yet to truly come to terms with both himself and his lot in life, facing the world with both temper and a boatload of hurt. There is a strong will for better in there, however, and a need to make a difference that might just get him where he is meant to be.


-> Backstory; detailed history of the character before the events of BG3 (being overhauled).
-> Personality; exactly what it says on the tin, expanding on the basics above.
-> Relationships; details on original creations from his backstory, plus canon bonds.
-> Appearance & Images; written description alongside screenshots, art and any commissions.
-> Magic & Mechanics; details on magical abilities (if any) and mechanical 5e stuff, for fun. ♥


  • FIRSTS: 740 word character piece for Thomas, during act 1 of BG3. Since waking upon the nautiloid, Thomas has been thrown into one new experience after another. Most have been unpleasant.

  • DREAMS: 2837 word character piece for Thomas, during act 3 of BG3. Driven by tumultuous emotion, Thomas breaks into Sorcerous Sundries solo. It could be said that this was, in fact, a terrible idea.

  • A NIGHT AFTER: 3550 words, during act 3 of BG3. Despite Tom's hideaway oft-proving an efficient shield, Gale finds his way in. Time for a conversation, perhaps.


  • Being a storm sorcerer (thus, in some ways, a little bit of an elemental himself) means he naturally understands Primordial, the language of elementals and denizens of the elemental planes. He, however, has no idea this is the case, at least at the start of things. Maybe going to get one hell of a shock, one day!

  • The poems he's written about his most recent ex after the break-up are... dramatic. Very, very dramatic. If anyone got a glimpse of even one, it wouldn't matter that they don't use straightforward terms and are kenning heavy; the state of his heart over the matter would be plainly and painfully obvious. Flip a few pages earlier and just how smitten he was before would be just as obvious. It's the most intense blackmail material on him you could ever get, and a showcase of his vulnerability.

  • Tommy-boy doesn't consume any mind flayer parasites durring the BG3 journey. He remains distrustful and bothered by the idea of his mind being 'tinkered' with and thus misses out on the powers. He's also probably amongst the most closed off of the party in sharing any memories and feelings through the tadpole bond, though on occasion his big, BIG feelings cut through that without meaning to just as they sometimes provoke his magic.

  • Technically his surname is actually 'Obelyn,' but there is not a chance he'll ever acknowledge it as so willingly. Usually he doesn't mention a surname but if pushed he gives his sister's surname, the one she took from her wife Genevieve: Killethym.

  • Along those lines, as his father used to call him 'Tommy' exclusively, Thomas doesn't like most people calling him by the name. Only those particularly close get that right, which is, very slowly and over time, starting to soften his attitude towards what is a very natural thing for people to call him without thinking.

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