Magic Overview

Thomas has a complex relationship with his sorcerous nature. Being a storm sorcerer he has a natural affinity with the wind, with lightning and thunder and tumultuous weather in general, being filled with a touch of elemental air as he is... but his father's aggressive envy of his son's skills caused him to be punished relentlessly for playing with it naturally as a child. As an adult, despite his loving sister's guidance, he is not yet fully past this and as a consequence he will sometimes have magical outbursts when in extremely emotional moods that set off his fight or flight reflexes.

Usually this is fairly harmless, little more than static making his hair puff up or a breeze pushing it around, but on occasion he has shocked a perceived attacker without meaning to or, at its most extreme, subconsciously cast magic (embodied mechanically by the 'Warding Wind' spell) and become the centre of a small but fierce whirl of wind.

In general, the magic he has learned so far has been shaped a lot by his development as a rogue and thief, utilising 'tricks,' as he likes to call them, that might be very useful to such a person. He has in particular become extremely skilled at using a Mage Hand in unusual and specialised ways. This is supplemented by the kinds of magics any storm sorcerer might possess.

There is potential for much greater magical power in Thomas, but for the moment, and until he can learn to get a better grasp on his weave, it'll be a hell of a struggle for him.


This... is a bit of a 'just for fun' section, really. In pure mechanical terms I treat Tom as a Level 9 Storm Sorcerer/Level 3 Arcane Trickster Rogue using BG3's systems, but swapping out some of the spells he has in game for some of suitable and fun ones available in the wider 5e canon. The 'Warding Wind' spell is of particular note here, as well as 'Spider Climb' which is fun for all kinds of shenanigans.

(I'll add to this section whenever I feel like, it's not really important to anything but enjoyable to mess around with).

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