Tsutsui Junkei, Lord of the Tsutsui clan, is a man with an calm, considering and somewhat quiet demeanour with a surprisingly dry sense of humour. Having inherited responsibility for his people young, he is very aware of his responsibilities and is considered pleasingly dutiful by many who know him, if sometimes hesitant and indecisive.

Beneath all of that, however, and known very well by his closer family and retainers, he is a romantic and a dreamer. Growing up, Junkei absolutely adored stories of noble samurai carrying out great heroics, finding great comfort in an idealised image above the reality of most samurai of their age, and was prone to flights of fancy that he’s never truly grown out of. During tough days he would read and memorize as many stories as possible and imagine getting swept off his feet by some armour-clad hero that would ‘save’ him from the wearying weight of their era. It was his particular comfort, a far-fetched dream, just something to help him get through the days… right up until he met and fell quickly and deeply in love with one Akechi Mitsuhide. Fitting many aspects of the figures he’d conjure in his fantasies, Junkei began to feel that, just perhaps, it might be possible to make that dream come true.

Unfortunately, the plague of Matsunaga Hisahide on his life would cause Junkei great trouble that would affect both dream and duty. After several years of struggling in battle with Hisahide, and even losing his castle to Hisahide at one point, Junkei joined the Oda through his friendship with Mitsuhide and found that not only had Nobunaga brought Hisahide back into his fold, but Mitsuhide was friends with him. Troubled and upset, unable to understand why such a ‘hero’ would want anything to do with a ‘villain,’ Junkei’s concern built and built until he confronted Hisahide one night. Gleeful and sensing an opportunity, Hisahide informed Junkei that he had read the stars and Junkei was fated to bring ruin to all that he valued most. Dismissing it at first as the hateful tricks of his sworn enemy, over time, and through multiple events and battles, Junkei began to fear that it might be true. That the story he was a part of might be a tragedy…



Story paths:
For his 'main canon’ route : Junkei, after Mitsuhide kills Nobunaga, is stricken by fear and cannot bring himself to make a decision over what to do. Over what the right thing to do is. Despite Mitsuhide’s actions being right out of one of his stories, and still being deeply in love with him, built resentment and jealousy under a mask of duty causes him to ‘wait and see’ at Yamazaki. Somehow, Mitsuhide’s loss and death manages to shock Junkei, who perhaps expected his hero to make it out alive. He sides with Hideyoshi over Ieyasu afterwards but is unable to move past his choice, or lack thereof, and after two years is stricken with illness. Still full of guilt, grief and a chest full of emotions he was never able to reconcile, Junkei passes away with his clan in decline under his adopted son and cousin.


Exploratory fanfic:
- In Shining Armour (No warnings needed, 608 words)
- Powderkeg (No warnings needed, 368 words)


  • AKECHI MITSUHIDE: the object of Junkei's heart and obsessions, in whom he invests his hopes and dreams. Many might say Junkei is actually projecting onto Mitsuhide.

  • MATSUNAGA HISAHIDE: he hates Hisahide, for SO many reasons related to his clan and Hisahide’s constant attacks (through battle and personal encounter), with Mitsuhide’s friendship with Hisahide making it all a bit worse, somehow.

  • CHOUSOKABE MOTOCHIKA: Junkei doesn’t hate Motochika, but is most certainly jealous of how easily he seems to understand Mitsuhide and capture Mitsuhide’s attention.

  • ODA NOBUNAGA: Though uneasy with his Lord Oda Nobunaga, certainly not one of his most enthused supporters and definitely afraid of him, he nonetheless appreciates the man’s charisma and talents and probably would have stayed loyal (had Nobunaga lived) without certain interventions.

  • SHIMA SAKON: having served the Tsutsui at one point, Sakon has plenty of opinions on Junkei and is quite effective at gently poking at Junkei's less 'valuable' traits.


  • Is inspired by the historical 'Tsutsui Junkei,' but with the usual KOEI-style approach.

  • His martial skill is rather lacking, but with careful study he has managed to supplement basic staff skills with magic.

  • Junkei's colour scheme has the purple element for the Oda, but a paler, more 'washed out' purple, that is paired with dashes of pink, grey and/or white.

  • Possessing a deep knowledge of many stories and folk tales from across Japan, Junkei's central hobby is finding more obscure ones, particularly those with a romantic bent.

  • He has a peach motif on his armour, and in some of his clothes. Junkei would claim it is a reference to a story called 'Momotarou,' and this is a half-truth only. Mitsuhide's childhood name was 'Momomaru,' and thus the peach is also a reference to Mitsuhide.